Calvin Mogajane is a 21 year who is defying the odds of being a disabled person. He was born with glaucoma that caused him to be blind at birth while his twin brother has proper eyesight.
Calvin published his first book when he was only 16 years old and has three books published so far and has also written stage plays.
He said he always listens to the radio as a source of information and one day as he was listening to a show hosted by his role model, Happiness Thobomake, the topic was on how everyone can be an author.
“She was reading an extract from the book “Down Second Avenue” and after the show, the writing was all I could think about.
“I wrote a story at school and when I got home I read it to my twin brother and he re-wrote the story with a pen and paper and we later took the book to a publisher who loved it and published it.
“My first try of becoming a writer changed my life completely,” he said.
Calvin said he wants to open the first blind person publishing company where every blind person can express their writing skills without being discouraged.
“I had my fair share of disappoints and discouragements in my writing journey but I believe that the only true disability in the world, is a bad attitude,” he said.